But what blog launch would be complete without one?
Many of you may not know this, but I like to write. It's something I've been doing at my leisure for around ten years now. In that time I have accumulated a modest backlog of stories--some decent, many of them garbage. I intend to post the decent ones on this blog every other week or so for friends and family (hopefully even some strangers) to read.
For some time I had been toying with the idea of publishing my work online. It was a goal that always seemed so distant, and yet here I am, staring at my mission statement, a little excited, a little nervous, and even a little scared. Maybe fear is why it took so long to create this blog in the first place, despite other excuses. And still, on the eve of the 'publish' button, I feel slightly unnerved. But what's the point of all this writing, of any expression really, if no one gets to see it?
I couldn't have done this ten years ago. Oh, I mean I could have posted a blog showcasing some things I had written, but I wouldn't have been able to take advantage of the feedback. My insecurities were far too strong back then. Constructive criticism would have been dismissed as off-base or just plain stupid, and I would have continued to delude myself into believing that my writing ability was ready-made and that there was no room for improvement.
Thankfully the passing years have allowed me to divorce myself from many of the things I've written, to see my stories through a near-fresh perspective and to admit to myself that... I have written some crap. And although I couldn't see it at the time, someone else definitely would have. The criticism I so tried to avoid could have served as a tool to improve my ability had I only been mature enough to take it. So much wasted time....
Don't get me wrong, I still write some crap, but I also churn out some entertaining pieces as well. While my skill may be a little sharper than it was ten years ago, I know I'm still far from perfect. So please, read and comment. I only ask that you let me know when something can be improved. I may listen to you, I may not, but either way I will take your comments to heart, and I will be ever grateful.
*A special thanks to Tim Edward who drew the Holy Crow art specifically for this blog. You can find him on Facebook if anyone is interested in buying one of his amazing drawings or prints. He has also been known to do custom work from time to time. I would also like to thank everyone who has edited some of my work before now. You've already been a big help.
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